Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Random Thought

I have to say, that, in general, I do not believe in randomness. I'm sure there are some Quantum Mechanics (Maniacs?) out there who will beg to differ and provide supporting arguments, but until then....

Let's say I flip a coin. This particular flip comes up HEADS. Can you provide me with a proof that it could have been TAILS? Sure, sure, you can show that the next few flips might have different outcomes, and further that the next 1 billion flips will average dangnabbitedly close to 50% each. But that's not what I asked. I want proof that the original action might have taken a turn to the T-side. Since that has already (not) happened it is in the -- still apparently -- inviolable past and cannot be changed. So maybe it wasn't random at all?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to argue that we can predict the future. Both complicatedness (many moving parts) and complexity (intersecting feedback loops) make that practically and theoretically impossible.

I'm just saying that we can predict the past.

1 comment:

  1. This only makes my brain hurt a little. Very well written, my friend.
